Discovery Guided Journal


Discover who you are at soul level. It’s never too late to begin the journey of healing, self-love and self discovery. When we become curious about who we are at a deeper level we begin the process of healing and elevating. When we question our experiences and dive in, we allow our subconscious to speak to us. This creates a ripple effect in our experience- it gives voice to our fears, our dreams, our hopes and brings them up to the light. This creates a powerful shift- by sitting with our experience we raise our vibration and begin to heal, reset, and call in new higher experiences into our daily lives. We become more empowered, more confident in our desires and raise the bar. We become the powerful creators or our experience instead of letting life happen to us, it can happen for us.

This journal is for you if:

~You need to release stored outdated stories

~You feel bowled over by life

~You want to re-own yourself

~You want to get clear on where you want to go

~You want to love yourself more

~You want to raise your standards

~You want to support yourself

~You want to create a self care personal healing ritual

The Journal:

128 pages

Divided into 4 self discovery sections:




Self Love

10 prompts per section - 40 self discovery prompts total

Lined pages for filling in each prompt

Sections for Gratitude

Beautifully styled

100% written and created by me

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